Surrogacy for Heterosexual Couples

Surrogacy for Heterosexual Couples

Surrogate mothers for married heterosexual couples

If you have been unsuccessful with IVF you might be considering engaging a surrogate mother alongside other options, such as adoption, or egg donation. It depends on the cause of your infertility.

It’s often thought that the natural progression after disappointment with IVF is to engage a surrogate mother, but the logical next step could be to try with an egg donor first. Unless you have a medical condition, which could prevent you becoming pregnant there is a good chance that you will be successful with egg donation.

You can use donor eggs well into your 50s with a successful outcome and many women have done this. Your fertility specialist can advise if it is a realistic option for you. However, if you have been unsuccessful using donor eggs yourself then donor eggs, combined with surrogacy, results in a successful pregnancy nearly every time.

The best surrogacy destinations for married couples:


Already well established as a popular destination for surrogacy seAsia offers a significant advantage: PRICE. Prices start at around US $54,000 for a complete program plus agency fees, egg donation, if required, and legal costs.

Medical care is of a high standard and there are many experienced medical professionals willing to assist.

Our affiliate program provider has been assisting intending parents with surrogacy since 2007and many Australian couples, in particular, have used the service with a happy outcome.

If you would like more information about this exciting option please contact us.

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